75 research outputs found

    Concepciones del infinito en estudiantes de 1º de Bachillerato de CCSSHH en el contexto de aprendizaje de límites

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    El conocimiento del infinito matemático es imprescindible para el aprendizaje significativo de multitud de conceptos que se encuentran dentro del cálculo matemático, como son los límites o las derivadas, presentes en el currículum de bachiller. Sin embargo, resulta sorprendente que en el currículum no se incluya el aprendizaje del infinito con la importancia que tiene en matemáticas y la dificultad que conlleva construirlo en nuestro conocimiento, pues poco tiene que ver la acepción matemática con la noción intuitiva que los estudiantes tienen sobre el infinito. Así, en esta investigación se trata de evaluar cuál es la concepción de los alumnos de 1º de Bachillerato de CCSSHH antes y después de estudiar la unidad didáctica relativa al concepto de límite con el fin de identificar la influencia del aprendizaje de este concepto en la noción del infinito de los alumnos. Todo ello se realizará a partir de una serie de ítems recogidos en dos cuestionarios, donde se presentará el concepto de infinito bajo diferentes sistemas de representación y contextos, lo que permitirá identificar qué modelos intuitivos predominan en la concepción del infinito de este tipo de estudiantes

    Desarrollo de una metodología para el diseño y mejora de carreteras convencionales a partir del análisis de la seguridad vial mediante modelos de consistencia

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    La seguridad vial es una de las mayores preocupaciones de la sociedad actual. De hecho, anualmente mueren en las carreteras alrededor de 1,2 millones de personas y 50 millones resultan heridas. Entre los diferentes factores que están presentes en la producción de un accidente de tráfico cabe destacar el factor humano, el vehículo y la infraestructura. Concretamente, en los últimos años se ha estudiado profundamente la interacción entre el factor humano y el factor infraestructura a partir del concepto de consistencia del diseño geométrico de carreteras, que se puede definir como el grado de adecuación entre las expectativas de los conductores y el comportamiento de la carretera. En este sentido, un diseño consistente asegura que elementos geométricos sucesivos actúen de forma coordinada produciendo una conducción harmoniosa libre de sorpresas. Por el contrario, un diseño inconsistente puede producir sorpresas en los conductores provocando maniobras erráticas o conflictivas que incrementan la probabilidad de ocurrencia de accidentes. Sin embargo, todavía son muy pocas las guías o normas de diseño geométrico de carreteras que incluyen la evaluación de la consistencia en el proceso de diseño o mejora de carreteras. En esta tesis se desarrollan dos modelos de consistencia, uno global y otro local, basados en la definición básica de consistencia a través de la diferencia entre la velocidad de operación inercial, que representa las expectativas de los conductores, y la velocidad de operación, que representa el comportamiento de la carretera. Estos modelos permiten estimar el número de accidentes con víctimas en diez años en las carreteras convencionales españolas e identificar dónde es más probable que ocurran dichos accidentes. Finalmente, se propone una nueva metodología para el diseño y mejora de carreteras convencionales que incorpora los modelos calibrados con el fin de que los ingenieros sean capaces de diseñar carreteras más seguras.Road safety is one of the major concerns in our society. In fact, around 1.2 million people die and 50 million are injured in road crashes every year. Road crashes are mainly caused by three concurrent factors: infrastructure, vehicle, and human factor. Specifically, the interaction between the infrastructure and human factor has been thoroughly studied in recent years through the concept of geometric design consistency, which can be defined as how drivers' expectancies relates to road behavior. To this regard, a consistent road provides a harmonious driving free of surprises, which is associated with a low number of road crashes. On the contrary, an inconsistent road might present numerous unexpected events to drivers, leading to an anomalous behavior and increasing the likelihood of crash occurrence. However, few geometric design guidelines include a consistency evaluation during the design of both new two-lane rural roads and improvements of existing highways. This Thesis Dissertation presents a global consistency model and a local consistency model based on the geometric design consistency concept through the difference between the inertial operating speed, which represents drivers' expectations, and the operating speed, which represents road behavior. These models allow estimating the number of crashes with injuries in ten years on Spanish two-lane rural roads and identifying where these crashes are most likely to occur. Finally, a new methodology for the design and improvement of two-lane rural roads based on the calibrated models is proposed. This process will allow highway engineers to design safer roads.La seguretat viària és una de les majors preocupacions de la societat actual. De fet, anualment moren a les carreteres al voltant de 1,2 milions de persones i 50 milions resulten ferides. Entre els diferents factors que estan presents en la producció d'un accident de tràfic cal destacar el factor humà, el vehicle i la infraestructura. Concretament, en els últims anys s'ha estudiat profundament la interacció entre el factor humà i el factor infraestructura a partir del concepte de consistència del disseny geomètric de carreteres, que es pot definir com el grau d'adequació entre les expectatives dels conductors i el comportament de la carretera. En aquest sentit, un disseny consistent assegura que elements geomètrics successius actuen de manera coordinada produint una conducció harmoniosa lliure de sorpreses. Al contrari, un disseny inconsistent pot produir sorpreses en els conductors provocant maniobres erràtiques o conflictives que incrementen la probabilitat d'ocurrència d'accidents. No obstant això, encara són molt poques les guies de disseny geomètric de carreteres que inclouen l'avaluació de la consistència en el procés de disseny o millora de carreteres. En aquesta tesi es desenvolupen dos models de consistència, un global i un altre local, basats en la definició bàsica de consistència a través de la diferència entre la velocitat d'operació inercial, que representa les expectatives dels conductors, i la velocitat d'operació, que representa el comportament de la carretera. Aquests models permeten estimar el nombre d'accidents amb víctimes en deu anys a les carreteres convencionals espanyoles i identificar on és més probable que tinguin lloc aquests accidents. Finalment, es proposa una nova metodologia per al disseny i millora de carreteres convencionals que incorpora els models calibrats per tal que els enginyers siguin capaços de dissenyar carreteres més segures.Llopis Castelló, D. (2018). Desarrollo de una metodología para el diseño y mejora de carreteras convencionales a partir del análisis de la seguridad vial mediante modelos de consistencia [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/100271TESI

    Impacto de la resistencia al deslizamiento en la seguridad vial

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    En este artículo se define el concepto de resistencia al deslizamiento en carreteras, se presentan los indicadores más utilizados para cuantificar esta característica del pavimento y se analiza la relación que existe entre estos parámetros y la siniestralidad.Llopis Castelló, D. (2020). Impacto de la resistencia al deslizamiento en la seguridad vial. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/156455DE

    Peer review to increase learning and motivation of students in complementary training subjects

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    [EN] In complementary training subjects of postgraduate studies it is common for students to feel less motivated as the contents of these subjects are far from their professional goals, resulting results in a decrease in academic performance. In order to increase students’ learning and motivation of the subject of Basics of Highway Engineering of the Master's Degree in Transportation, Land and Urban Development, the peer review methodology was implemented in the development of case studies, consisting of the resolution of practical cases similar to the problems of the exams. As a result, the average grade of the problems part of the exams increased with respect to the two previous courses by more than 2 points. In addition, the students evaluated very positively the methodology implemented. To this regard, the students indicated that this evaluation method allowed them to achieve a deeper learning, achieving a better retention of the key concepts of the subject. Likewise, they recommended continuing with this methodology in the following courses because, in addition, it does not involve a very tedious work -30 min/case study-.[ES] En las asignaturas de formación complementaria de estudios de postgrado es habitual que los estudiantes se sientan menos motivados en cuanto que los contenidos de estas asignaturas se alejan de sus objetivos profesionales, lo que se traduce en una disminución del rendimiento académico. Para incrementar el aprendizaje y motivación de los estudiantes de la asignatura de Complementos de Ingeniería de Carreteras del Máster Universitario en Transportes, Territorio y Urbanismo (MUTTU) se implantó la metodología de evaluación por pares en el desarrollo de las prácticas de la asignatura, consistentes en la resolución de casos prácticos similares a los problemas de los exámenes. Como resultado, la calificación media de la parte de problemas de los exámenes se incrementó con respecto a los dos cursos anteriores en más de 2 puntos. Además, los estudiantes evaluaron de manera muy positiva la metodología implementada. En este sentido, los estudiantes indicaron que este método de evaluación les permitió alcanzar un aprendizaje más profundo, logrando retener mejor los conceptos clave de la asignatura. Asimismo, recomendaron continuar con esta metodología en los cursos sucesivos porque, además, no les supone un trabajo muy tedioso -30 min/práctica-.Llopis Castelló, D. (2022). Evaluación por pares para incrementar el aprendizaje y la motivación de estudiantes de asignaturas de formación complementaria. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 73-80. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.15798738

    Influence of Calibration Factors on Crash Prediction on Rural Two-Lane, Two-Way Roadway Segments

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    [EN] Calibration factors are applied in the Highway Safety Manual predictive method for rural two-lane, two-way roadway segments to adjust the estimate for local conditions. This research aims to evaluate and recommend improvements related to the estimation of these calibration factors. An aggregated and disaggregated analysis was performed to study the influence of different calibration factors on the prediction of the number of crashes in North Carolina. As a result, those calibration factors based on both types of road elements (horizontal curves and tangents) led to overestimating and underestimating the number of crashes on tangents and horizontal curves, respectively. Furthermore, the calibration factors based on fatal-and-injury crashes allowed a more accurate estimation of the predicted number of crashes than those calibrated considering all severity levels. Therefore, it is recommended to apply a different calibration factors for each type of road element and each type of crash severity.This research was subsidized by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness through "Ayudas a la movilidad predoctoral para la realizacion de estancias breves en centros de I+D 2016." In addition, the authors would like to thank the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), which provided traffic and crash data.Llopis-Castelló, D.; Findley, DJ. (2019). Influence of Calibration Factors on Crash Prediction on Rural Two-Lane, Two-Way Roadway Segments. Journal of Transportation Engineering. 145(6):04019024-1-04019024-9. https://doi.org/10.1061/JTEPBS.000024504019024-104019024-9145

    Uso de vehículos autónomos y conectados

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    En este artículo se presentan los distintos usos de los vehículos autónomos y conectados, así como los beneficios que se derivan de una movilidad autónoma. Una vez que el estudiante haya leído con detenimiento este documento, será capaz de: (i) Determinar los actores o elementos esenciales de la movilidad autónoma, (ii) Identificar los usos de los vehículos autónomos y conectados y (iii) Enumerar los beneficios asociados a una movilidad autónoma.Llopis Castelló, D. (2021). Uso de vehículos autónomos y conectados. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/164614DERPremio Calidad Docencia en re

    Planes de Seguridad Vial

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    En este artículo se presenta qué es un Plan de Seguridad Vial, qué motiva su elaboración y cuáles son sus principales etapas. Con todo ello, serás capaz de definir las acciones necesarias para mejorar la seguridad vial de una determinada ciudad, región o país, contribuyendo principalmente a la mitigación del número de accidentes de tráfico.Llopis Castelló, D. (2020). Planes de Seguridad Vial. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/139864DE

    Comparison of the highway safety manual predictive method with safety performance functions based on geometric design consistency

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/19439962.2020.1738612[EN] Road safety is a major public health concern in our society. Effective road design and accurate safety analyses must be a component of programs focused on reducing and eliminating roadway injuries and deaths. Various methodologies exist to determine the expected number of crashes on rural two-lane rural roads. This research compares different procedures which allow for the estimation of the number of crashes on homogeneous road segments. In this effort, a total of 27 two-lane rural road sections located in North Carolina were considered, resulting in 59 homogeneous road segments composed of 350 horizontal curves and 375 tangents along 150 km of road. Four methods were applied to the selected roadways: the Highway Safety Manual predictive method, two jurisdiction-specific Safety Performance Functions (SPFs), and a SPF which includes a consistency parameter. This research found that the use of SPFs which incorporate a consistency parameter allows highway engineers to consider human factor impacts on road safety assessment. The use of a consistency parameter can also simplify the crash estimation process. Analysis methods which only included local geometric variables provided unreliable results due to the calibration of only the specific road elements instead of their relationship with other road elements along homogeneous road segments.This research was subsidized by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities through "Ayudas a la movilidad predoctoral para la realizacion de estancias breves en centros de I+D 2017" (EEBB-I-17-12154) and is part of the research project titled "CASEFU - Estudio experimental de la funcionalidad y seguridad de las carreteras convencionales" (TRA2013-42578-P), subsidized by the above mentioned Spanish Ministry and the European Social Fund. In addition, the authors would like to thank the North Carolina Department of Transportation, which provided traffic and crash data.Llopis-Castelló, D.; Findley, DJ.; García García, A. (2021). Comparison of the highway safety manual predictive method with safety performance functions based on geometric design consistency. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security. 13(12):1365-1386. https://doi.org/10.1080/19439962.2020.1738612S13651386131

    Analysis of the Influence of Geometric Design Consistency on Vehicle CO2 Emissions

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    [EN] Highway vehicles driving on rural roads account for more than 50% of all CO2 emissions produced by the transportation sector in Europe. Although the policy measures to mitigate Greenhouse Gas emissions are increasing, these do not include policies aimed at reducing emissions by means of highway geometric design, which significantly influences drivers¿ speeds and accelerations and, consequently, plays a major role on fuel consumption and emissions. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to study the influence of the geometric design consistency on vehicle CO2 emissions. To do this, continuous speed data were collected on 47 homogeneous road segments by means of Global Positioning System devices. Vehicle CO2 emissions were estimated by applying the VT-micro model, whereas geometric design consistency was assessed considering different global consistency models. As a conclusion, vehicle CO2 emissions decreases as the consistency level of a homogeneous road segment increases. Specifically, a good consistency road segment has been found to present an emission rate 20-30% lower than a poor-consistent one. Therefore, the design of consistent roads allows, in addition to maximize road safety, to help to achieve more environmentally sustainable highways, reducing CO2 emission production.The presented study is part of the research project titled “CASEFU – Estudio experimental de la funcionalidad y seguridad de las carreteras convencionales” (TRA2013-42578-P), subsidized by the Spanish Ministryof Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness and the European Social Fund. In addition, authors would like to thank Professor Hesham A. Rakha, Virginia Tech (USA), for providing the VT-Micro model and assessing the authors in its use to obtain outcomes.Llopis-Castelló, D.; Camacho-Torregrosa, FJ.; García García, A. (2019). Analysis of the Influence of Geometric Design Consistency on Vehicle CO2 Emissions. Transportation Research Part D Transport and Environment. 69:40-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2019.01.029S40506

    Development of a global inertial consistency model to assess road safety on Spanish two-lane rural roads

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    [EN] The most important factors for road crash occurrence are infrastructure, vehicle, and human factors. In fact, infrastructure and its interaction with human factor have been thoroughly studied in recent years through geometric design consistency, which can be defined as how drivers¿ expectations and road behavior relate. Global consistency models were calibrated in the last decade to assess road safety on an entire homogeneous road segment. However, none of them include the underlying consistency phenomenon in their formulation. Recently, a new model was developed based on the difference between the inertial operating speed profile, which represents drivers¿ expectancies, and the operating speed profile, which represents road behavior. While the operating speed represents the estimated operating speed for every location along the road, the inertial operating speed aggregates for every station the operating speed effect along some distance already covered by drivers. The authors hypothesized that this `aggregation effect¿ was connected to drivers¿ expectancies, which proved to be true based on the best model fitted. However, the exact distance (or time) that should be considered to estimate the inertial operating speed still remains unknown. This paper aims to complete this model, analyzing how the inertial operating speed varies depending on different distances and periods of time. This impact is measured considering the reliability of the corresponding consistency model. The paper also covers how the inertial operating speed should be determined along the final distance or time. For this, a total of 184 homogeneous road segments along 650¿km in Spain were used.The study presented in this paper is part of the research project titled "CASEFU - Estudio experimental de la funcionalidad y seguridad de las carreteras convencionales" (TRA2013-42578-P), subsidized by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the European Social Fund. In addition, the authors would like to thank the Department of Housing, Public Works and Spatial Planning of the Valencian Regional Government and the Traffic Department of the Spanish Government, which provided traffic and crash data, respectively.Llopis-Castelló, D.; Camacho-Torregrosa, FJ.; García García, A. (2018). Development of a global inertial consistency model to assess road safety on Spanish two-lane rural roads. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 119(October 2018):138-148. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2018.07.018S138148119October 201